Playing in the dirt.

Posts tagged ‘onions’

Making Haste Slowly

Very little in the way of new news to share, though there is one sprout in my salad planters as of Saturday’s quick trip to the office to check on seedlings, and there’s evidence that an eggplant is going to sprout.  Friday, I planted some more tomatoes and eggplants, in case something catastrophic happens to the first batch, and I planted kale.  This coming Friday, I’ll get the shallots started (from seed, so apparently not “true” shallots, which Teh Internetz suggests only propagate by bulb division).  The sprouts that came up this week are doing well.

Assorted sprouts in starter peats.

Assorted sprouts.

The Anaheims and onions are still visible in the far container, along with the lemon mint, with the Genovese basil and the so far lone Pasilla in the back corners.  But another Pasilla was suggesting it might sprout soon when I checked on things Saturday.  In the near container, from left to right are: Mexico Midget, Italian Heirloom, Opalka, and Beam’s Yellow Pear, along with the lime basil.

And because we’re gardening at 7200 feet, it was cold and snowy and windy all weekend, so I’ve not yet managed to get anything accomplished outside.

Peppers and Onions

Peppers have sprouted!  Three little Anaheims greeted me this morning, pushing their tiny cotyledons against the damp plastic lid of the starter tray as if to say, “Let us out!”  So I did.

Anaheim pepper seedling

I’m a pepper! Wouldn’t you like to be a pepper, too?

The lone surviving Pasilla Bajio from the first planting is starting to peek out a bit, and might stand up by tomorrow.  Four replacement onions are also starting to sprout, little green-white loops not yet strong enough to lift the seed casing.

Three more onions collapsed past the point of recovery when the tray dried out too much over the weekend–hazards of starting things at work.  I pulled them and re-started them, but those will likely be the last that I re-start.  I’ve got a lot of other things to start and supplies to shop for and new beds to build!

Anaheim pepper and Yellow of Parma onion seedlings.

Peppers and Onions